- 2000
- 2001
- 2002
- 2002 1 Curtis’ Airplane Party at Kings’
- 2002 2 Easter Crawfish Boil
- 2002 3 Mother’s Day at Gregg’s
- 2002 4 Wedding Dinner Swinging Door
- 2002 5 Gregg & Paulette’s Wedding
- 2002 6 Crawfish Boil Our House
- 2002 7 Opening Wedding Gifts
- 2002 8 Dinner Our House With Blakes
- 2002 9 4th of July Gregg’s
- 2002 9b Lake Mead
- 2002 9c Lake Somerville Aug
- 2002 9d Thanksgiving
- 2002 9e Christmas Cookies With Blakes
- 2002 9f Christmas At Gregg’s
- 2002 9g Skiing Big Bear With Ken & Karen
- 2003
- 2004
- 2005
- 2005 1 Curtis’ 12th Birthday
- 2005 2 Skiing Big Bear With Blakes March
- 2005 3 Easter
- 2005 4 Zeneda’s Wedding
- 2005 5 Housewarming Party
- 2005 6 Brandon’s Surprise Party
- 2005 7 Marble Falls With Blakes
- 2005 8 Alana’s 50th
- 2005 9 Mom & Mel Visit With Blakes
- 2005 9b Thanksgiving at Gregg’s
- 2005 9c Christmas
- 2005 9d Skiing Big Bear With Blakes Dec
- 2006